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With over 25 years of engineering and contracting experience in the oil and gas industry acknowledged as an expert in aviation fuel solutions (EPC).
What We Believe
These core values have been forged through 25 years of experience.
• As a privately owned company, the commitment to these core values starts with Al-Majd family and runs through the organization.
Core Values
Successful Projects
Al-Majd in a Word
With over 25 years of engineering and contracting experience in the oil and gas industry acknowledged as an expert in aviation fuel solutions (EPC).
What We Believe
These core values have been forged through 25 years of experience.
• As a privately owned company, the commitment to these core values starts with Al-Majd family and runs through the organization.
Core Values
We take pride in our reputation for quality work performed safely and with care for our environment.
• We have sustainable and profitable operations driven by our ability to execute swift decisions.
• Our people are dedicated, innovative, and hardworking.
• Our actions are characterized by integrity, trust, and respect.
We are committed to teamwork.
To exceed our customers' expectations by continually setting the global standard for quality, safety, and environmental stewardship in utility and infrastructure construction.
To be the foremost provider of innovative construction solutions and value for our clients in their mission to serve the growing utility and infrastructure requirements of their customers around the world.
Successful Projects